Drink Wild Heaven Beer NEAR Wild Heaven Non-Alcoholic IPA

NEAR Wild Heaven Non-Alcoholic IPA

While we can’t legally claim that beer is a health beverage, we can tell you Near Wild Heaven NA IPA is a beautifully well-balanced and delightful beer brewed with a maltose-negative yeast strain so that it lands in your pint with only a sparse 0.5% (one half of one per cent) alcohol. It also spends time with a gluten-reducing enzyme rendering it 99.9% gluten-free. We also pasteurize this beer to ensure the removal of 100% of live yeast to keep your gut biome in balance. We’ve completed a trifecta: a non-alcohol, nearly gluten-free, gut-healthy beer that just tastes divine. It’s…Near Wild Heaven.

We always celebrate moderation and health. We also love beer. To satisfy a desire to encourage healthy living and good beer, we’ve wanted to create a non-alcoholic beer worthy of the Wild Heaven name.

In the past, various technical obstacles made making good non-alcoholic beer impractical, if not impossible for most breweries. We’re excited however, by real innovation in the area of brewers yeast - opening new frontiers. How about non-alcoholic beer that really tastes like beer? That’s the goal - that is what we’re delivering.

NEAR WILD HEAVEN isn’t just for “dry” times of year but a core element of what we’ll offer our guests and customers. NEAR WILD HEAVEN Non-Alcoholic IPA is made with Trident, Centennial & El Dorado hops for a modern feel with uplifting citrus and pine notes and a crisp, clean finish.  

Grapefruit - Pine - Citrus - Pineapple

Available In:

12oz 6-packs

ABV: 0.5%

Drink Wild Heaven Beer NEAR Wild Heaven Non-Alcoholic IPA

Available for purchase by the case to-go (24 count) and by the glass on draft in our taprooms.

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